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Right to be Forgotten

Definition of Right to be Forgotten

What is the Right to be Forgotten?

The right to be forgotten refers to an individual’s ability to request the removal of their personal information from internet search results and other online platforms to protect their online reputation. This legal concept, recognized in some jurisdictions, particularly in the European Union, aims to give individuals greater control over their personal data online.

This concept, also known as the right to erasure, empowers individuals to control their online presence by allowing them to remove outdated, irrelevant, or potentially damaging information about themselves from the internet. It plays a crucial role in online reputation management by helping individuals maintain a positive and accurate online image. The right to be forgotten acknowledges that personal information that was once relevant or necessary may become detrimental to an individual’s reputation over time, and provides a mechanism to address this issue.

  • Enables individuals to request removal of personal information from search results and online platforms
  • Protects privacy and allows control over one’s online presence
  • Helps manage and maintain a positive online reputation
  • Applies to outdated, irrelevant, or potentially damaging information
  • Balances individual rights with public interest and freedom of expression
  • Provides a means to address the persistence of online information that may negatively impact an individual’s life
  • Allows for the correction or removal of inaccurate or misleading information that could harm one’s reputation

An individual who faced online harassment and had their personal information shared without consent could invoke the right to be forgotten to have the offending content removed, thus protecting their online reputation. For example, if an individual’s past criminal record or embarrassing photos from their youth are surfacing in search results and hindering their ability to secure employment or maintain professional relationships, they may request the removal of such information to safeguard their online reputation.

  • Assess the necessity and relevance of the information before requesting removal
  • Follow the proper procedures and guidelines set by search engines and online platforms
  • Consider alternative reputation management strategies in conjunction with the right to be forgotten
  • Provide clear and compelling reasons for the removal request, demonstrating the impact on one’s online reputation
  • Be aware that the right to be forgotten may have limitations and exceptions based on public interest, freedom of expression, and the nature of the information in question