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Owned Promotion

Definition of Owned Promotion

What is Owned Promotion?

An owned promotion refers to promotional content created and distributed by a brand through its own channels to positively influence online reputation. It is a powerful tool for proactively shaping public perception, strengthening brand image, and mitigating reputational risks in the digital landscape.

Owned promotions allow brands full control over messaging and placement of reputation-enhancing content. By strategically crafting and disseminating owned promotional materials, companies can proactively shape public perception, counteract negative sentiment, and reinforce their desired brand image across digital touchpoints. This level of control enables brands to ensure consistency and alignment in their reputation management efforts.

  • Published on a brand’s website, blog, social media profiles, or email newsletters
  • Can take various forms such as articles, videos, infographics, case studies, or testimonials
  • Enables direct communication of key brand messages and values to target audiences
  • Helps dominate search results and online narratives with positive, brand-controlled content
  • Builds trust and credibility by showcasing expertise, success stories, and social proof
  • Offers opportunities for thought leadership and demonstrating industry expertise
  • Provides a platform for addressing common customer concerns or misconceptions
  • Facilitates relationship-building and engagement with key stakeholders

A software company facing negative reviews might publish a series of blog posts and case studies highlighting successful customer implementations and positive user experiences to improve its online reputation. Additionally, they could create informative videos addressing common user challenges and showcasing product benefits to proactively shape perceptions.

  • Ensure owned promotions align with overall brand positioning and values
  • Optimize content for search engines to increase visibility and rankings for branded keywords
  • Amplify reach of owned promotions through social sharing, employee advocacy, and influencer partnerships
  • Regularly assess performance and adjust owned promotional strategies based on analytics and feedback
  • Incorporate customer feedback and insights to address real concerns and demonstrate responsiveness
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure consistency in messaging and tone across all owned channels