Free Local Competitor Analysis

Research the local competitors for any location and industry on Google Maps. Analzye how many reviews and what rating you need to compete with the best. No signup required.
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13 local competitor analyses generated so far

How the Local Competitor Analysis Works

Define your market

Enter the location you want to analyze and the search keyword you want to use.

You can even go down to neighborhoods if the data is available. For example a "ramen shop" in "Tokyo" or "Döner" in "Kreuzberg, Berlin".

Use it the same like doing a search on Google Maps, including the language setting.

Example of email trigger in BCC

Wait a few seconds

Wait while we're gathering the data and generating the analysis.

This can take a few seconds because we're fetching live data for the top 100 results on Google Maps.

The search is performed as a Windows user on a Desktop PC. The search engine domain is automatically chosen according to the location and language.

Example of email trigger in BCC

Get your free analysis

Your free local competitor analysis is public and can be shared with a unique link.

The analysis includes review and rating distributions, common price levels and opening hours, as well as popular neighborhoods.

Keep in mind that the actual positions in the search results can vary a lot depending on geographical location, the user performing the search and other factors. Consider it a snapshot.

Example of email trigger in BCC