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In the fast-paced world of business, the simple act of expressing gratitude can set you apart from the competition. Thank you notes for clients are more than just a polite gesture; they’re a powerful tool for building lasting relationships, fostering loyalty, and driving business growth. This comprehensive guide will explore the art and science of crafting impactful thank you messages for clients, providing you with actionable strategies to elevate your client appreciation game. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a marketing professional, you’ll discover valuable insights to transform your thank you notes into a cornerstone of your client retention strategy.

Key Takeaways

  1. Personalization is paramount in creating meaningful thank you notes that resonate with clients
  2. Timing your gratitude strategically can significantly enhance its impact
  3. Industry-specific approaches can make your thank you notes more relevant and memorable
  4. Multichannel strategies ensure your appreciation efforts reach clients through their preferred mediums
  5. Measuring the ROI of gratitude helps refine and improve your thank you note strategy
  6. Cultural sensitivity is crucial when thanking international clients
  7. Sustainability considerations can enhance the perceived value of your thank you gestures
  8. Avoiding common pitfalls ensures your thank you notes achieve their intended effect

Intricate illustration of the title of the article with colorful cards

Why Thank You Notes Matter: Boosting Client Retention and Business Growth

Thank you notes for clients have emerged as a critical tool for fostering loyalty and driving growth. The psychology behind gratitude in business relationships is profound; a well-crafted thank you message can create a lasting positive impression, reinforcing the client’s decision to work with you and laying the groundwork for future collaborations.

Research has shown that businesses that consistently express appreciation to their clients enjoy higher retention rates and increased referrals. A study by the Rockefeller Corporation found that 68% of customers leave a business relationship because they perceive indifference from the company. Thank you notes serve as a powerful antidote to this perceived indifference, demonstrating that you value the client’s business and care about their satisfaction.

Moreover, the measurable benefits of consistent client appreciation extend beyond retention. Grateful clients are more likely to:

  • Provide positive reviews and testimonials
  • Recommend your services to others
  • Be open to upselling and cross-selling opportunities
  • Forgive minor mistakes or oversights

By investing time and effort into crafting thoughtful thank you notes, you’re not just being polite—you’re strategically investing in the long-term success of your business.

Mastering the Essentials: Crafting Compelling Thank You Messages for Clients

Creating effective thank you messages for clients requires a blend of art and science. The key components of an impactful thank you note include:

  1. Personalization: Address the client by name and reference specific details about your interaction or the project you worked on together.
  2. Sincerity: Express genuine appreciation for their business and trust in your services.
  3. Specificity: Mention particular aspects of your collaboration that you found enjoyable or rewarding.
  4. Value reinforcement: Remind the client of the benefits they’ve gained from working with you.
  5. Forward-looking statement: Express enthusiasm for future opportunities to work together.

Balancing professionalism and personal touch is crucial. While maintaining a professional tone, inject warmth and personality into your message to create a genuine connection. For example:

“Dear Sarah,

Thank you for trusting [Your Company] with your recent home renovation project. It was a pleasure working with you to bring your vision to life. Your creativity and attention to detail made the process truly enjoyable, and I’m thrilled with how the final design showcases your unique style.

We value the opportunity to contribute to making your house feel more like home. I look forward to seeing how you enjoy your new space and hope we can work together again on future projects.

Warm regards, [Your Name]“

This example demonstrates how to blend professionalism with a personal touch, creating a thank you note that feels both sincere and tailored to the specific client and project.

Thank You Cards for Clients: Choosing the Right Medium for Your Message

In the digital age, businesses have a variety of options for delivering thank you messages to clients. Both digital and physical thank you cards have their place, and the choice between them often depends on your industry, client preferences, and the specific circumstances of your interaction.

Digital vs. Physical: Pros and Cons

Digital Thank You Cards:


  • Immediate delivery
  • Cost-effective
  • Easy to personalize at scale
  • Environmentally friendly


  • May be perceived as less personal
  • Can get lost in crowded inboxes
  • Limited tactile experience

Physical Thank You Cards:


  • Create a tangible, lasting impression
  • Stand out in a digital world
  • Offer a more personal touch
  • Provide a physical reminder of your business


  • Higher cost (production and postage)
  • Longer delivery time
  • More time-consuming to produce

For industries that rely heavily on personal relationships, such as real estate or high-end professional services, physical thank you cards often have an edge. However, for businesses in tech or digital services, well-crafted digital thank you messages can be equally effective.

Designing Memorable Thank You Cards

Whether digital or physical, your thank you cards should reflect your brand while resonating with your clients. Consider these design elements:

  • Brand consistency: Use your logo, brand colors, and fonts to reinforce brand recognition.
  • High-quality materials: For physical cards, invest in good paper stock. For digital cards, ensure high-resolution graphics.
  • Professional yet personal imagery: Consider including a team photo or a image related to the client’s project.
  • Handwritten elements: Even in digital cards, incorporate handwriting fonts or scanned signatures for a personal touch.
  • Simplicity: Avoid cluttered designs that distract from your message of gratitude.

By carefully considering both the medium and design of your thank you cards, you can create a lasting impression that reinforces your professionalism and appreciation for your clients.

Industry-Specific Strategies: Tailoring Your Thank You Approach

Different industries require unique approaches to client appreciation. Here’s how to tailor your thank you notes for specific sectors:

Photographer Thank You Notes: Capturing Gratitude Visually

As a photographer, your thank you notes should showcase your visual skills while expressing genuine appreciation. Consider these strategies:

  • Include a favorite shot from the client’s session as part of the thank you card design
  • Use high-quality photo paper for physical cards to highlight your commitment to quality
  • Reference specific moments or interactions from the photoshoot to personalize your message


“Dear [Client Name],

Thank you for choosing [Your Studio] for your family portraits. Capturing the joy and love in your family was truly a highlight of my week. I’ve enclosed one of my favorite shots from our session—the candid moment of laughter we caught is priceless.

I look forward to sharing the rest of your gallery soon and hope to document more precious moments for your family in the future.

Warmly, [Your Name]“

Realtor Thank You Messages: Building Lasting Relationships in Real Estate

For realtors, thank you notes play a crucial role in nurturing long-term relationships. Your messages should:

  • Acknowledge the significance of the transaction in the client’s life
  • Offer continued support beyond the sale or purchase
  • Provide useful information about the local community or home maintenance


“Dear [Client Names],

Congratulations once again on your new home! It was an honor to guide you through this significant life milestone. Your trust in [Your Realty Company] means the world to me.

As you settle into your new neighborhood, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any recommendations for local services or have questions about your property. I’ve included a list of my favorite local spots to help you explore your new community.

Here’s to making wonderful memories in your new home!

Best regards, [Your Name]“

Travel Agent Appreciation: Extending the Journey Through Gratitude

Travel agents can use thank you notes to extend the positive experience of a trip and encourage future bookings:

  • Reference specific highlights from the client’s trip
  • Include a small souvenir or photo from their destination
  • Suggest ideas for their next adventure


“Dear [Client Name],

Welcome back from your incredible journey to Bali! It was a pleasure helping you plan this trip of a lifetime. I hope the sunrise trek to Mount Batur was as breathtaking as you imagined.

I’ve enclosed a small handcrafted bracelet from Ubud as a memento of your adventure. When you’re ready to plan your next escape, perhaps we could explore the idea of a Croatian coastal tour?

Thank you for trusting [Your Travel Agency] with your travel dreams. I can’t wait to hear all about your Bali experiences!

Happy travels, [Your Name]“

Pet Sitter Thank You Notes: Personalizing Care Beyond the Visit

For pet sitters, thank you notes are an opportunity to reinforce the bond formed with both the pet and the owner:

  • Mention specific details about the pet’s personality or behavior
  • Include a cute photo or drawing of the pet
  • Offer tips or observations about the pet’s preferences


“Dear [Client Name],

Thank you for entrusting [Your Pet Sitting Service] with [Pet’s Name]’s care during your recent trip. It was an absolute joy to spend time with such a playful and affectionate furry friend.

[Pet’s Name] particularly enjoyed our afternoon walks in the park and seemed to have a special fondness for the squeaky toy you left. I’ve included a photo of [him/her] during one of our play sessions—that happy face is priceless!

I appreciate the opportunity to care for [Pet’s Name] and look forward to our next adventure together. Thank you for being a wonderful client!

Warmly, [Your Name]“

By tailoring your thank you notes to your specific industry and client experiences, you create meaningful connections that go beyond a simple expression of gratitude. These personalized approaches demonstrate your attention to detail and commitment to client satisfaction, setting the stage for long-lasting business relationships.

Timing is Everything: When to Send Your Thank You Note to Clients

The timing of your thank you note can significantly impact its effectiveness. Striking the right balance between promptness and thoughtful timing is crucial for maximizing the impact of your gratitude.

Post-project Appreciation: Cementing a Job Well Done

Sending a thank you note immediately after completing a project is an excellent way to reinforce the positive experience and leave a lasting impression. Aim to send your note within 24-48 hours of project completion when the experience is still fresh in the client’s mind. This prompt appreciation can:

  • Reinforce the client’s satisfaction with your services
  • Encourage immediate feedback or testimonials
  • Open the door for future collaborations or referrals

Milestone Celebrations: Marking Important Moments in the Client Relationship

Beyond project completion, consider sending thank you notes to commemorate significant milestones in your client relationship:

  • Anniversary of first collaboration: Acknowledge long-term partnerships
  • Client’s business achievements: Celebrate their successes
  • Completion of multiple projects: Recognize ongoing trust and collaboration

These milestone-based thank you notes demonstrate your commitment to the relationship beyond individual transactions, fostering deeper loyalty.

Strategic Timing for Maximum Impact and Recall

While promptness is generally advisable, there are strategic moments when a well-timed thank you note can have an outsized impact:

  • Before renewal decisions: If you have a subscription-based service, a thank you note before the renewal period can positively influence the decision
  • During industry events: If you know your client is attending a major conference or trade show, a timely thank you can keep your business top-of-mind during networking opportunities
  • Seasonal appreciation: Sending thank you notes during holiday seasons or at the end of the fiscal year can tie into broader feelings of gratitude and reflection

The key is to make your timing feel natural and sincere rather than calculated. A genuinely expressed thank you, regardless of timing, will always be appreciated.

Beyond Words: Creative Ways to Elevate Your Client Thank You Notes

While a well-written message is the heart of any thank you note, incorporating additional elements can significantly enhance its impact and memorability.

Integrating Small Gifts or Exclusive Offers

Pairing your thank you note with a thoughtful gift or special offer can reinforce your appreciation and provide additional value to your client:

  • Personalized items: A custom notebook, calendar, or desk accessory with the client’s name or company logo
  • Industry-relevant books: A recent publication related to your client’s field or interests
  • Exclusive discounts: A special rate on future services, available only to long-term clients
  • Complimentary upgrades: An added feature or extended service period at no extra cost

Always ensure that any gifts comply with industry regulations and your client’s company policies regarding gift acceptance.

Leveraging Technology for Interactive Thank You Experiences

In the digital age, technology offers innovative ways to create engaging thank you experiences:

  • Video messages: Record a personal video thank you for a more direct and engaging expression of gratitude
  • Interactive e-cards: Use platforms that allow clients to interact with your thank you message, perhaps revealing hidden messages or animations
  • Augmented reality (AR) experiences: Create an AR thank you card that comes to life when viewed through a smartphone
  • Virtual gift experiences: Offer digital experiences like online cooking classes, virtual museum tours, or e-learning courses as a thank you gift

By thinking beyond traditional thank you notes, you can create memorable experiences that strengthen your client relationships and set your business apart.

Mastering the Thank You Note to Clients for Selecting Your Services

When a client chooses your services over competitors, it’s a pivotal moment that deserves special recognition. A well-crafted thank you note at this stage can reinforce their decision and set the tone for a positive, long-term relationship.

Crafting Messages that Reinforce Their Choice

Your thank you note should validate the client’s decision to work with you. Key elements to include:

  • Acknowledge the competitive landscape: Subtly recognize that they had choices and express gratitude for their trust in your services
  • Reiterate your unique value proposition: Remind them of the specific benefits they’ll gain from working with you
  • Express enthusiasm for the collaboration: Show genuine excitement about the opportunity to work together
  • Provide next steps or expectations: Offer clarity on what they can expect moving forward, demonstrating your professionalism and organization


“Dear [Client Name],

Thank you for choosing [Your Company] for your upcoming [project/service]. We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to work with you and are deeply appreciative of the trust you’ve placed in our team.

Your decision to partner with us for [specific service] speaks volumes, and we’re excited to demonstrate why so many clients consider us the go-to experts in [your industry]. Our unique approach to [key aspect of your service] will ensure that [specific benefit to the client].

We’re already gearing up to exceed your expectations. In the coming days, you’ll receive a detailed welcome packet outlining our process and introducing you to key team members. We can’t wait to get started and deliver results that reinforce the wisdom of your choice.

Thank you again for this opportunity. Here’s to a successful collaboration!

Warm regards, [Your Name]“

Encouraging Long-term Loyalty from the First Interaction

Your initial thank you note is also an opportunity to lay the groundwork for a lasting relationship:

  • Invite ongoing communication: Encourage the client to reach out with any questions or concerns, establishing an open line of dialogue
  • Hint at future possibilities: Without being pushy, suggest the potential for ongoing collaboration or additional services that might benefit them in the future
  • Offer a loyalty incentive: Consider including an special offer for future services, encouraging repeat business

By crafting a thoughtful, forward-looking thank you note when a client first selects your services, you set the stage for a positive, enduring business relationship. This initial expression of gratitude can significantly impact the client’s perception of your business and their likelihood of becoming a loyal, long-term partner.

Multichannel Gratitude: Coordinating Thank You Efforts Across Platforms

In today’s interconnected world, a comprehensive thank you strategy extends beyond a single note or message. Creating a cohesive appreciation strategy across email, social media, and in-person interactions can amplify your gratitude and ensure it reaches clients through their preferred channels.

Creating a Cohesive Appreciation Strategy

To develop a multichannel approach:

  1. Identify your client’s preferred communication channels: Some may favor email, while others are more active on social media or appreciate face-to-face interactions.

  2. Tailor your message to each platform: While maintaining consistency in tone and core message, adapt your thank you to suit the norms of each channel:

    • Email: Longer, more formal messages with detailed appreciation
    • Social media: Brief, public acknowledgments, perhaps with a relevant image or tag
    • In-person: Sincere verbal thanks, possibly accompanied by a handwritten note or small gift
  3. Ensure consistency across channels: While adapting to each platform, maintain a consistent message and branding to reinforce your appreciation.

  4. Time your multichannel efforts strategically: Coordinate your thank you messages across different platforms to create a comprehensive experience without overwhelming the client.

Example of a coordinated approach:

  • Day 1: Send a personalized email thank you note
  • Day 2: Post a public thank you on social media (with client permission)
  • Day 3: Mail a physical thank you card
  • Week 2: Follow up with a phone call or in-person visit to express appreciation and gather feedback

Leveraging CRM Systems for Personalized, Timely Thank Yous

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems can significantly enhance your ability to deliver personalized, timely thank you messages across multiple channels:

  1. Centralize client information: Use your CRM to store detailed client data, including preferences, interaction history, and important dates.

  2. Automate triggers: Set up automated reminders to prompt thank you messages after key milestones or interactions.

  3. Personalize at scale: Utilize CRM data to customize thank you messages with relevant details, even when sending to multiple clients.

  4. Track engagement: Monitor how clients interact with your thank you messages across different channels to refine your approach.

  5. Integrate multichannel communication: Many CRM systems offer integrations with email marketing tools and social media platforms, allowing for coordinated messaging.

By leveraging a CRM system, you can ensure that your thank you efforts are consistent, personalized, and timely across all channels, enhancing the overall impact of your gratitude strategy.

The ROI of Gratitude: Measuring the Impact of Your Thank You Notes

While the act of expressing gratitude is inherently valuable, measuring its impact can help you refine your approach and justify the resources invested in thank you initiatives. Here are key metrics to track and strategies for analyzing the cost-benefit of various appreciation efforts:

Key Metrics to Track for Evaluating Thank You Note Effectiveness

  1. Client Retention Rate: Monitor how thank you notes affect client loyalty over time.

  2. Repeat Business: Track increases in repeat purchases or project engagements following thank you initiatives.

  3. Referral Rate: Measure changes in client referrals after implementing a consistent thank you strategy.

  4. Client Satisfaction Scores: Use surveys to gauge how thank you notes impact overall client satisfaction.

  5. Response Rate: Track how often clients respond to your thank you messages, indicating engagement.

  6. Social Media Mentions: Monitor increases in positive social media mentions or tags following public expressions of gratitude.

  7. Review Volume and Quality: Observe changes in the number and sentiment of online reviews after thank you campaigns.

Analyzing the Cost-Benefit of Various Appreciation Strategies

To determine the ROI of your gratitude efforts:

  1. Calculate Costs: Include expenses for materials, time spent, and any associated gifts or offers.

  2. Estimate Value: Assess the lifetime value of retained clients and new clients acquired through referrals.

  3. Compare Strategies: Analyze the effectiveness of different thank you methods (e.g., email vs. handwritten notes) in terms of cost and impact.

  4. Long-term Analysis: Consider the cumulative effect of thank you notes on client relationships over time, not just immediate results.

  5. Qualitative Feedback: Gather anecdotal evidence from clients about how your thank you notes have impacted their perception of your business.

Example ROI Calculation: Cost of Thank You Program: $5,000 annually Retained Clients Due to Program: 5 Average Client Lifetime Value: $10,000 ROI = [(5 * $10,000) - $5,000] / $5,000 * 100 = 900%

This simplified example demonstrates the potential for a significant return on investment from a well-executed thank you strategy.

Cultural Considerations: Adapting Your Thank You Notes for a Global Clientele

In an increasingly globalized business environment, understanding and respecting cultural nuances in expressions of gratitude is crucial. Here are some best practices for international client appreciation:

Navigating Cultural Nuances in Expressions of Gratitude

  1. Research Cultural Norms: Understand how gratitude is typically expressed in your client’s culture. Some cultures prefer understated thanks, while others appreciate more effusive expressions.

  2. Mind the Language: If writing in a language that’s not your native tongue, have a native speaker review your message to ensure proper tone and avoid unintended meanings.

  3. Consider Timing: In some cultures, expressing thanks too quickly can seem insincere, while in others, prompt gratitude is expected.

  4. Be Aware of Color Symbolism: If sending physical cards or gifts, research the significance of colors in the recipient’s culture to avoid unintended negative associations.

  5. Respect Religious and Cultural Holidays: Be mindful of when you send thank you notes, avoiding religious holidays or culturally sensitive dates.

Best Practices for International Client Appreciation

  1. Personalize with Cultural Intelligence: Show that you’ve taken the time to understand and respect the client’s cultural background.

  2. Use Appropriate Formality: Some cultures prefer more formal communication, even in thank you notes. Adjust your tone accordingly.

  3. Be Mindful of Gift-Giving Customs: If including gifts with your thank you, research cultural norms around gift-giving to avoid faux pas.

  4. Consider Digital vs. Physical: In some cultures, a physical thank you note carries more weight, while in others, a prompt digital message is preferred.

  5. Leverage Local Knowledge: If possible, consult with team members or partners who are familiar with the client’s culture for insights.

Example: When thanking a Japanese client, you might consider:

  • Using more formal language
  • Avoiding overly personal comments
  • Sending a high-quality, thoughtfully presented physical card
  • Timing your thanks to arrive shortly after the business interaction, as promptness is valued

By adapting your thank you notes to respect cultural differences, you demonstrate global awareness and deepen your international client relationships.

Sustainable Appreciation: Eco-Friendly Approaches to Thank You Notes

As environmental consciousness grows, incorporating sustainable practices into your thank you strategy can enhance your brand image and appeal to eco-minded clients. Here are some approaches to consider:

Digital Alternatives with a Personal Touch

  1. Interactive E-cards: Use platforms that offer engaging, personalized digital cards that mimic the experience of opening a physical card.

  2. Personalized Video Messages: Create short, heartfelt video thank yous that convey warmth without physical waste.

  3. Digital Gift Cards: Offer eco-friendly digital gift cards to local or sustainable businesses as a thank you gesture.

  4. Animated Signatures: Use technology to incorporate a handwritten-style signature into digital messages for a personal touch.

Choosing Environmentally Conscious Options for Physical Thank You Cards

When physical cards are preferred:

  1. Recycled and Recyclable Materials: Opt for cards made from 100% recycled paper and ensure they are fully recyclable.

  2. Seed Paper: Use biodegradable paper embedded with seeds that can be planted after reading.

  3. Soy-Based Inks: Choose printers that use eco-friendly soy-based inks instead of petroleum-based options.

  4. Minimalist Design: Create cards that use less ink and focus on the message rather than elaborate designs.

  5. Local Production: Work with local printers to reduce transportation emissions.

By adopting these sustainable practices, you not only reduce your environmental impact but also demonstrate to clients that your appreciation extends to caring for the planet we all share.

Avoiding Pitfalls: Common Mistakes in Client Thank You Notes and How to Sidestep Them

Even with the best intentions, thank you notes can sometimes miss the mark. Here are common pitfalls to avoid and strategies for maintaining authenticity in your gratitude expressions:

Overcoming Generic Messaging and Delayed Responses

  1. Avoid Generic Templates: Personalize each note with specific details about the client interaction or project.

  2. Set Response Time Goals: Aim to send thank you notes within 24-48 hours of the interaction or project completion.

  3. Create a Thank You Calendar: Schedule regular times to write thank you notes to ensure they don’t get overlooked in a busy schedule.

  4. Use Specific Examples: Mention particular aspects of your collaboration that you appreciated to make the note more meaningful.

Maintaining Authenticity in Automated Thank You Processes

While automation can help manage thank you processes at scale, it’s crucial to maintain a genuine feel:

  1. Personalize Automated Messages: Use merge fields to include the client’s name, project details, and other personalized information.

  2. Regularly Update Templates: Refresh your automated messages periodically to prevent them from becoming stale.

  3. Combine Automation with Personal Touch: Use automation for initial thank you messages, but follow up with personalized notes for significant interactions.

  4. Authenticity Check: Regularly review your automated messages to ensure they still sound genuine and align with your brand voice.

By avoiding these common pitfalls and focusing on authentic, timely expressions of gratitude, you can ensure that your thank you notes consistently hit the mark and strengthen your client relationships.


In the complex world of business relationships, the simple act of saying “thank you” remains a powerful tool for building loyalty, fostering goodwill, and driving growth. As we’ve explored throughout this guide, crafting effective thank you notes for clients is both an art and a science, requiring a thoughtful blend of personalization, timing, and genuine appreciation.

By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you can transform your client thank you notes from a simple courtesy into a powerful business tool. In a world where clients have countless options, a well-crafted expression of gratitude can be the differentiator that sets your business apart and keeps clients coming back.

As you move forward, commit to making thank you notes an integral part of your client relationship strategy. Start small if needed, but start today. The impact of genuine, thoughtful appreciation on your business relationships can be profound, paving the way for long-term success and growth.

In the end, the most effective thank you notes are those that come from a place of sincere gratitude. By cultivating a culture of appreciation within your organization and consistently expressing thanks to your clients, you not only enhance your business relationships but also contribute to a more positive, gratitude-filled business world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the key components of an effective thank you note for clients?
The key components include personalization, sincerity, specificity, value reinforcement, and a forward-looking statement. Address the client by name, express genuine appreciation, mention specific aspects of your collaboration, remind them of the benefits they've gained, and express enthusiasm for future opportunities.
How soon after a project or interaction should I send a thank you note?
Aim to send your thank you note within 24-48 hours of project completion or interaction. This ensures the experience is still fresh in the client's mind and reinforces their positive impression of your business.
Are digital or physical thank you cards better for client appreciation?
The choice between digital and physical thank you cards depends on your industry, client preferences, and the specific circumstances. Digital cards offer immediacy and cost-effectiveness, while physical cards provide a tangible, lasting impression. Consider your client's preferences and the nature of your business relationship when deciding.
How can I measure the ROI of my thank you note strategy?
To measure ROI, track metrics such as client retention rate, repeat business, referral rate, client satisfaction scores, response rate to thank you messages, social media mentions, and changes in review volume and quality. Calculate costs of your thank you program and compare them against the value of retained clients and new business generated.
How can I ensure my thank you notes are culturally appropriate for international clients?
Research cultural norms around expressing gratitude in your client's culture, use appropriate language and level of formality, be mindful of timing and color symbolism, and respect religious and cultural holidays. When possible, consult with team members familiar with the client's culture for insights.
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Photo of author Alexander Fischer