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Definition of Zombie

What is a Zombie in digital marketing?

In online reputation management, a zombie refers to an old, negative search result or mention that resurrects and damages a person’s or brand’s reputation. Zombies can be particularly troublesome because they often contain outdated or inaccurate information that no longer reflects the current reality of the individual or organization.

Zombies are problematic because they can unexpectedly reappear in search results or social media, reviving a reputational issue that was previously resolved or dormant. Even if the information is outdated or inaccurate, its resurgence can significantly impact public perception and trust. The sudden reappearance of negative content can catch the subject off guard and unprepared to address the renewed attention.

  • Often originate from past negative news, reviews, or social media posts
  • Can rank highly in search results despite being outdated
  • Difficult to suppress or remove completely
  • Tend to reappear periodically, causing ongoing reputational damage
  • May spread virally across platforms, compounding the impact
  • Can be triggered by new events or mentions that revive interest in the old content
  • May be exploited by competitors or detractors to harm the subject’s reputation

A company faced a zombie attack when a resolved product recall from five years ago reappeared in search results, causing renewed concerns and a drop in sales. The dated information failed to reflect the company’s successful efforts to address the issue and improve its products, yet it still shaped public perception. An executive’s controversial tweet from a decade ago resurfaced, leading to fresh scrutiny and criticism despite the individual’s personal growth and changed views in the intervening years. The zombie tweet spread rapidly, damaging the executive’s reputation and forcing them to confront the past anew.

  • Monitor regularly for potential zombies using search and social listening tools
  • Address zombies proactively by publishing fresh, positive content to displace them
  • Engage in online community management to mitigate the spread and impact of zombies
  • Develop a crisis communication plan to quickly respond to zombie appearances
  • Consider issuing statements or apologies to acknowledge past issues and demonstrate growth
  • Encourage supporters to share positive experiences and content to counterbalance zombies