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Definition of Sockpuppeting

What is Sockpuppeting?

Sockpuppeting is the use of fake online identities to mislead, manipulate or deceive in order to influence public opinion or control an online narrative. It involves creating and operating multiple accounts or personas to simulate genuine engagement or support for a particular viewpoint, product, or entity.

Sockpuppets are alternate personas created to make it appear as if unrelated individuals are expressing a particular viewpoint. This manufactured “grassroots” support can be leveraged to bolster or attack reputations, skew discussions, spread misinformation, or drown out legitimate voices. Sockpuppets can be used to create the illusion of widespread support or opposition, manipulating public perception and influencing decision-making.

  • Often used to post fake reviews, comments or social media posts
  • Can make unpopular opinions seem more widely accepted than they are
  • May be deployed in coordinated groups for greater influence
  • Frequently violate terms of service of platforms where used
  • Can seriously distort online discourse and damage trust
  • May be used to harass, intimidate, or discredit individuals or brands
  • Can be difficult to detect and counter effectively
  • Erode the credibility and authenticity of online interactions

A company may use an army of sockpuppet accounts to post glowing reviews of their own products while attacking those of competitors. Similarly, political actors might employ sockpuppets to shape narratives, discredit opponents, or create the appearance of grassroots movements supporting their agenda.

  • Avoid creating or employing sockpuppet accounts for any reason
  • Be vigilant for signs of sockpuppeting targeting your brand
  • Have a plan to address sockpuppeting attacks if they occur
  • Monitor online mentions and sentiment for suspicious patterns
  • Encourage transparency and authenticate high-profile accounts
  • Foster a genuine community to dilute the impact of sockpuppets
  • Educate stakeholders about the risks and tactics of sockpuppeting