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Keyword Research

Definition of Keyword Research

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research in online reputation management involves identifying terms people use to find information related to a person, brand, product or company online. It goes beyond simply finding relevant keywords and includes analyzing search intent, volume, difficulty, and sentiment to prioritize the most important terms to target.

Strategically selecting relevant keywords helps optimize online content for search engines, making it easier for target audiences to find desired information. By understanding which keywords to target, businesses can better control the narrative around their brand online and proactively manage their reputation. Keyword research enables brands to identify opportunities to create positive content that ranks well and addresses key reputational concerns.

  • Identifies popular search terms related to brand or individual
  • Uncovers potential negative keywords to monitor or suppress
  • Helps optimize positive content for better search visibility
  • Informs content strategy to proactively shape online narrative
  • Enables tracking of keyword rankings to measure ORM impact
  • Reveals questions and topics of interest to the target audience
  • Helps identify influential sites and content ranking for relevant keywords
  • Allows tracking of competitor keywords and reputational strategies

Conducting keyword research to identify terms like “CompanyX reviews” allows a business to create and optimize content that ranks well for those searches, letting them influence the information customers see first. For example, a hotel chain might target phrases like “HotelX customer service” or “HotelX cleanliness” to address specific reputational concerns and highlight positive aspects of their brand.

  • Focus on keywords relevant to key reputational topics and themes
  • Prioritize keywords with high search volume and low difficulty
  • Target a mix of branded and non-branded keywords
  • Regularly update targeted keywords based on evolving search trends
  • Identify long-tail keywords that reflect specific customer questions or concerns
  • Use keyword insights to inform content creation and optimization efforts
  • Monitor keyword rankings over time to measure the impact of ORM initiatives