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Earned Media

Definition of Earned Media

What is Earned Media?

Earned media refers to unpaid publicity gained through promotional efforts other than paid advertising, often as a result of providing valuable content or information that others voluntarily share. It is a powerful way to build credibility, trust, and positive sentiment around a brand or individual online.

Earned media is a powerful tool for building and managing online reputation, as it leverages the credibility and reach of third-party sources. It can help establish trust, boost visibility, and positively influence public perception of a brand or individual. Earned media is particularly valuable because it is not seen as self-promotion, but rather as genuine recognition from others, which can significantly enhance online reputation.

  • Comes from external sources such as media mentions, press coverage, or user-generated content
  • Perceived as more authentic and trustworthy than paid advertising
  • Can significantly increase brand awareness and reach
  • Helps build long-term relationships with audiences and influencers
  • Provides social proof and validation from others
  • Amplifies positive sentiment and helps mitigate negative perceptions
  • Supports SEO efforts by generating high-quality backlinks and mentions

An example of earned media in online reputation management is when a satisfied customer shares a positive review or testimonial about a company on their social media profiles, which then gets shared by others, amplifying its reach and impact. Another example is when a thought leader or influencer mentions a brand in a positive light, leading to increased visibility and credibility among their followers.

  • Consistently create high-quality, valuable content that resonates with target audiences
  • Engage with influencers, journalists, and industry experts to build relationships
  • Encourage and facilitate user-generated content, such as reviews and testimonials
  • Monitor and respond to mentions, feedback, and conversations across various channels
  • Leverage social media to share content and engage with audiences authentically
  • Seek out opportunities for press coverage, interviews, and expert commentary

By focusing on earned media as part of an online reputation management strategy, brands and individuals can build a strong, positive presence online that is reinforced by the trust and credibility of third-party sources. This, in turn, can lead to increased visibility, better relationships with key audiences, and a more resilient online reputation overall.